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Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)

California, Domestic

This is what you make when you want to usher something out of the kitchen that is as hilarious and exciting to serve as it is to eat. Cutting and serving this cake was no joke but since everyone that ate it fell in love with it, I’m filing it as a win. It’s the prefect cake for someone who loves candy and of course works especially well for someone who has a house full of people who also love candy!

Scroll down for pics of the cutting and serving!!

Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)

Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake – via The Kitchen Magpie

3 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 cups hot brewed coffee
3 cups sugar
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
3 large eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups buttermilk, shaken
3/4 tsp vanilla
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
First, preheat your oven to 300 and melt the chopped chocolate in the hot coffee. Just pour the coffee over the chocolate, and in a separate bowl whisk together sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Theeeeeeen in a smaller bowl (though you’ll probably want to use a bigger bowl than the one I did…), whip the eggs till they’re thick and then combine them with the oil, buttermilk and vanilla. Once that’s mixed well, add it and the melted chocolate to the dry ingredients.
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
The batter was runnier than I had expected, but just roll with it – it’s perfect! I poured it into 3 greased 9″ cake pans and baked for almost an hour.
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Then I made the frosting and dyed it blue – use your favorite frosting recipe, or even *shudder* a can if you must. I used a little between each later, mostly just as glue and for the same reason I slathered it all over the outside so the Kit Kats would stick.
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Line up the Kit Kats around the side of the cake and use the ribbon to pull them tight to the cake, but don’t pull so hard you break them! Make a cute bow at the front and voila! Super cute! Then I covered the top with more frosting and dumped two big bags of Skittles on top!
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
The cake looked so not like a cake that someone stuck their hand in it, thinking it was an elaborate bowl of candy!
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
The blog I first saw this on made no mention of the hilarity that ensues when the cake is eventually cut. The platter I put it on is made of pretty light plastic, so as the Skittles fell from the top of each piece to the platter they made the same plinking noise as the Skittles that hit the floor in the commercials! So so funny. It was messy, but thankfully the hosts are lighthearted and it was all good.
Chocolate Kit Kat Skittles Cake (aka The Willy Wonka Cake)
So obviously this cake looked amazing, but how did it taste? Well, I made this for our new friend Steve’s birthday. I didn’t know anyone at the party other than him and his (amazing & delightful) girlfriend Vanessa. When each guest left and said their goodbyes it went like this ‘Thanks for the invite Vanessa we had fun, happy birthday Steve have a great night, I loved the cake May!’ So ridic, I love it. Someone even loved it enough to draw it’s likeness in chalk on the brick wall in the backyard.