Browsing the blog archives for May, 2010.

Crazy, Busy, Beautiful and 45 Minutes with Carmindy

Pretty, Reviews
Crazy, Busy, Beautiful: Beauty Secrets for Getting Gorgeous Fast by Carmindy Just like anything else in life, in my ongoing effort to keep myself pulled together, I am all over the research and doing it right. You know? Because why bother making an effort if it’s only going to be a weak one? Though I do support the concept of aiming higher on the regular, so some effort is better than none, however I’m a ‘jump in with both feet’ sort of gal. To that effect, I am all over Carmindy, make up artist on What Not to Wear. The show itself I’m lukewarm on, only because I think some people (yes me) are a little quirkier than is usually allowed, you know? I suppose if I’m honest it all comes down to my love of plastic jewelry and total inability to give it up for daintier, more adult fare.
Back to Carmindy, when her second book, The 5-Minute Face: The Quick & Easy Makeup Guide for Every Woman was published, I checked it out and learned a handful of things I still use often. So when Crazy Busy Beautiful: Beauty Secrets for Getting Gorgeous Fast came out, I felt like I could assume this one would be good too, and thankfully it didn’t disappoint.

Essentially, this book is a collection of beauty secrets, categorized into sections like Get Cheeky and Lips, Lips, Lips. Nine chapters, from skin care to each facial feature, all have tips and ideas from Carmindy and also from an open call for her fans beauty secrets. Some of them are actually things I’d do, like sticking my hands in the freezer for a minute to set nail polish quickly, but there are so many other weird ones that sound shifty. Ha. Like steaming your face with potato water (really?) and dabbing Jell-O powder on your lips to stain them (delish too?).

When I read on Twitter that Indigo – Eaton Centre was hosting a book signing with Carmindy, I was there! I had been to a signing at that Indigo before and I found it to be really well organized and a lot of fun. When fans get in line with their books, Indigo staff writes who the book is for on a post it to make the signing smooth and make sure everyone’s name is accurate!


Carmindy came out looking stunning, of course, and jumped right into a Q and A after a quick intro. She was helpful and really sweet, she answered everyone’s questions and, naturally, posed for photos and signed books. There was a really good mix of people there with some diverse questions, so she covered a lot of good info.