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First Week of (Home) School 2012/13

California, Homeschooling, Kids

We are still trying to figure out how to balance our longish school days with our park day meet ups with other homeschooling families, mornings at the library, field trips and mommy group meet ups with kids closer to Wee One #3’s age. So far, we have decided to do formal school 4 full days a week with a half day on Friday. Every afternoon we break for 45 minutes of fun and sun and exercise in the pool. Wednesdays are both library day and homeschoolers in the park day so that is not a formal school day, however since we don’t have to leave the house super early for Wee One #3’s story time at the library, we’ll do a French lesson and then maybe practice our new French words as we stomp around LA. Friday will be a half day so we can meet up with some little ones for fun in our neighborhood, but considering what time we get up (way. too. early.) stopping early is more like 3/4 of a day instead of a half day. Right now Saturday mornings are for the farmer’s market and the rest of the weekend is for chilling out, but as soon as I find a YMCA we all like, I suspect weekends will belong to ballet and karate and the like. We’ll see how this first term shapes up and what adjustments we will have to make to our schedule and our books and our goals.

We started the school year with pink (read: beet) pancakes with grated apples and adverbs! Fun! Haha.
Mid-day I made cookies for them as a treat and managed to knit a couple of puffs while supervising cursive. Science for our littlest was food coloring-tinted vinegar in baking soda. She was mesmerized (I kinda was too).
Yesterday ended with an art session involving homemade puffy paint and today began with stacks of buttermilk pancakes.

Every afternoon is celebrated with a dip in the pool, no matter how short lived!

Today art involved glue and table salt and food coloring and Q-tips. I know, I know, we’re amazing. Very high brow.