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Glass Etching


I had been pinning etched glass projects for months on Pinterest before I finally picked up some etching cream and glass vases and tried it out. Now, I want to do this to ALL THE THINGS!

Glass etching is one of those things that seems a lot harder than it really is. The etching cream scratches the glass, so all you really need is a template and some glass. I printed out ‘LOVE’, ‘JOY’ and ‘PEACE’ and then used transfer paper to copy them onto contact paper. I used an x-acto knife to cut out the pieces and then stuck the contact paper onto the glass. It only took a few minutes for the cream to do it’s thing and then I wiped it off, removed the contact paper and voila! So lovely!

Of course, you can use any simple image you want! Anything you can easily cut onto contact paper would look sweet!

Just be mindful when you are applying the cream to the contact paper so it doesn’t drip! A little drip can ruin a whole project!

Glass Etching

Glass Etching
Glass Etching
Glass Etching
Glass Etching
Glass Etching
Glass Etching
Glass Etching
Glass Etching
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