Making Your Home a Haven, Part #3

Churchy, Domestic, Kids, Marriage

In this post, I am participating in Making Your Home a Haven, and Marriage Mondays.

So far in this challenge, we’ve started a routine of lighting a large candle every day in the hub of our home to help us to be mindful of creating a peaceful environment and to say a little prayer for peace when we see it. We’ve started listening to softer music in our homes to set the mood to our homes as welcoming and inviting. I have honestly noticed a difference – and our house is usually really laid back and approachable as it is.

This week’s challenge is to clean up the clutter. I know I mentioned this already recently, but when we moved last month, we eliminated all of our clutter. No really. However, there are three areas that need to be better organized. My accessories collection (I have an unhealthy obsession with sparkly, clinking and/or plastic jewelry and headbands), my craft supplies (this is way more under control that my headbands lol) and my husband’s office.

Spiritually though we are to be looking an our internal clutter. I was going to run around my house and show off my tidy bookshelves and my organized laundry room and pantry with all the labels facing out in neat rows like the grocery store – but that’s not my struggle. I can keep my home free from clutter – I have a serious issue with internal clutter. That’s what I have to work on this week.

When I’m putting wee one #3 down for a nap, and I’m sitting there knitting away, quietly at peace with myself, the internal clutter starts. I start thinking I should have done my fitness DVD twice that day because I had time and I was just lazy, or that I should move yardwork day from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon so the kids can be playing out there while I’m working. Sometimes, it’s even other people’s clutter, like my husband’s cousin’s relationship issues or problems my friends are having in their jobs or marriages re-sorting to do lists in my head that are actually written down somewhere else. It’s mental clutter because it doesn’t matter if I did my fitness DVD once or twice once it’s done. If I’m thinking of switching yardwork days I should just do it and be done with it, it doesn’t require hours of mulling over. Neither, of course, do problems other people are going through! Seems like a little issue till I realize that I haven’t accomplished much in an afternoon because I’ve been fretting over my sister’s relationship issues or my best friend’s fight with her boss. It’s not that I shouldn’t ever think of these things, it’s that I should not let them rattle around in my head when I should be focusing on what I’m doing, being in the moment, to stop myself from snapping at those around me – those whom I love the best simply because I’m distracted and not giving my full attention. Does anyone else have this problem?!

So that’s what my focus will be this week, cleaning out the mental clutter and fighting to stay present.



  1. Courtney@WomenLivingWell  •  Oct 18, 2010 @12:23 pm

    Way to go lighting your candle, getting the music going, and staying so clutter free!!! You get a virtual gold star :-)!!!! hehe! This was great! Tackling the mental clutter is an even bigger challenge – meditating on a Psalm or Proverb can help!!! Keep walking with the King! And thanks for joining me on this journey!

  2. Julie@comehaveapeace  •  Oct 18, 2010 @5:53 pm

    Oh, May I think it sounds like you’ve already made great progress, because you’ve been able to recognize the mental clutter. It’s easy to let it gather dust in our minds and hearts. I know that I need to ask God for His help daily to master my thought life. When I get rid of my thought life clutter, it seems like the other externals follow … and I can enjoy that candle.

    Keep reaching for that peaceful haven each new day, and thanks for sharing your progress AND the challenges on Marriage Mondays!

    ~ Julie

    Thanks Julie! You and your blog have been a real inspiration to me and I often think of you and your advice throughout the day!

  3. Gertha  •  Oct 20, 2010 @10:51 am

    Thanks for stopping by my blog(: . It is good to know you are doing this challenge as well. I can relate to mental clutter. As you know, with God, nothing is impossible. With him, I have learned discernment and not to sweat the small stuff. I enjoyed your post!

    That’s great! Thanks so much for commenting

  4. Carrie  •  Oct 21, 2010 @7:05 pm

    I think so many of us do that, the useless fretting. I know I’m a control freak, so it’s super hard to let go.

    Right?? And it’s like, none of it matters. Especially the stuff about other people’s issues and that seems to be where most of my wasted energy goes! Thanks so much for commenting Carrie. 🙂

  5. brookiellen  •  Oct 25, 2010 @1:10 pm

    i struggle with my internal/mental clutter daily, and i definitely have been letting it get the best of me lately….it is something I really really REALLY need to work on, and i’m glad i’m not alone 🙂

    Defo not alone. It’s a hard struggle. Especially when you’ve gotten used to it! Thanks so much for commenting!

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