Aug 24, 2012
After yesterday’s post and school starting up for us on Monday I thought I’d share a school tradition we did when I was a kid that I kept up with my kids. I will keep doing the same thing, even though we’re schooling at home now. 🙂
Every year on the first day, we’d have our pictures taken in front of the house. This series of photos from my childhood has me standing in front of the same front door every year! I lived in one house from the time I was a few months old until I moved out at 18. My kids? Well, we have adventured quite a bit. Our version of this series has a total of 5 front doors, plus this year is yet another one. When I ask them about it, they both (Wee One #3 is too young to really have an opinion on it) always say it’s been a lot of fun and Wee One #1 reminds me he has been more places and seen more things at 12 than a lot of people ever get to go or see.
This picture is from the first day of school in 2009, Wee One #2’s first day ever!

Aug 17, 2012
My sister challenged me last week to only post photos taken on Fridays for Flashback Friday. I was down until I realized that most of my favorite photies were taken on Saturday nights in my kitchen with my girlfriends.
It’s been a little while since I was blond and just when I was starting to miss it, the California sunshine has started lightening my hair quite a bit. I am on as long a break as possible from damaging my hair, but with any luck (and many hours poolside and at the beach) my hair will be light without any chemicals.
PS – next week new recipes!
Saturday, March 7 2009 – My crazy hair, Gill’s framing hands. <3

Aug 10, 2012
New readers of my blog may not know that my husband and I married (each other) twice. The first time we eloped at 19 & 21 with only by bestie and her boyfriend as witnesses, and then again 8 years later in the Greek Orthodox church I grew up in. I picked these photies from the second time we got married (in May 2008) for Flashback Friday today because since moving to Los Angeles I miss my sister, my girlfriends, my parents and my extended family and I miss my husband’s family too (who totally feel like my family after 12 years). This day was one of those magical days when almost everyone that matters is together!! Happy Friday!

Greeks don’t mess around when it’s time to make a big deal out of something.

Le sigh. I love this photie. (l-r back row; my adorable sister, Wee One #3’s Godmother, my daddy, my mom, me, Wee One #1’s Godmother and l-r front row; my original bestie circa 1984, Wee One #2’s Godmother and my long time dear, dear sister from another mister friend that I got all bent out of shape about and no longer talk to). Damn. Should I call her?

I love when my mom smiles like this! <3

Aug 3, 2012
I came across the first picture here this morning and had one of those ‘how do they get so big, so fast?!’ moments, and a couple other pictures of these two came to mind. It makes me all misty to see their little relationship growing over time! The first photo was taken the week Wee One #2 was born, the second one was taken shortly after Wee One #3 was born and the third one was taken last year, when we lived in a cottage by the lake. Be still my little heart.
Yesterday, the day ended with a puff count of 24/100 for Ravellenics 2012 – Modular Relay

Jul 6, 2012
Last week I posted my first Flashback Friday and it was sweet and fun so I’m doing it again!
This photo is from August of 2001 of Wee One #1 and I at one of the family camps on my husband’s side. I hadn’t discovered those swimming diapers at this point and his little water-logged diaper looks totally ridic but he had a great time.
This Wee One will be 12 years old next week! What?!?

Jun 29, 2012
I’ve never posted a ‘Flashback Friday’, but I’ve been loving them on a few blogs I adore so here goes!
This was taken at a Christmas party in Sudbury, Ontario in December of 2000. We had been married for 7 months. This night feels both like it just happened and like it was a zillion years ago.
Happy long weekend!!