Browsing the archives for the cake cookies tag.

Pink Cakesters


Yesterday, I posted the Red Velvet Cookies that I made earlier this year and I declared them the 4th cookie of the year. Now that I’ve gone hunting for more cookie recipes that I made this year though, they are at least the 6th cookie and I think these super girly pink cakester-type treats are actually the 5th cookie of the year. I will edit the gallery as I post more cookie recipes from this year. You know, because I know you’re losing sleep over this. 😉

Like yesterday, this recipe is painfully easy and also involves a box cake mix. THE HORROR, I know. Don’t fret, tomorrow my Pioneer Woman cookbook gets here and my girl Sammie and I will be baking up a storm – no cake mixes involved.

The thing with these cookies is that despite the obvious factory-derived flavor from the cake mix, man they are good. I mean, like way too good. I wasn’t even finished my first one before I knew I wanted about 10 more. So naturally I spread them around to my neighbors and we took the rest of them with us to Silly Goose to share with everyone else to get them out of the house. I don’t think I can make these again because yeah, too tasty and unhealthy at the same time. Save these for when you’ve got a crowd to bake for and can be sure to get them out the door (or eaten)!

Pink Cakesters

Pink Cakesters via Six Sisters Stuff

1 box strawberry cake mix
2 eggs
3/4 cup shortening (I just couldn’t bring myself to do it, I used butter)

Ridiculously simple! Preheat to 350, mix the cake mix, eggs and butter. Roll into balls, flatten a bit with a glass dipped in sugar and bake for about 8 minutes. Let them cool for a little before you move them to a wire rack to cool completely and then fill with buttercream.

Pink Cakesters

Pink Cakesters

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Six Down, One to Go!


With six of the seven January events on my calendar taken care of (not counting wee one #3’s impending birth, since we really have no idea when she’s coming), I’m feeling really on top of things for a change.

I posted a few days ago with a pic of the bowl of veggies I’m making for my Dad’s birthday, I’ve added another veggie to the mix, peas in a pod.

I found the pattern on Purls Gone Wild through a search for veggies on Ravelry (along with the one for the celery). Oh, Ravelry search, is there nothing you can’t find for me?! The corn is from Kimberly Chapman, the eggplant is from Jimmy Beans Wool. I still want to make the carrot from Jimmie Beans but I don’t have the right orange on hand and I’ll get to the tomato from Purls Gone Wild. So silly, I love it!

I got to play with my box of card making gear! My fave thing about making cards is all the glitter and paper and blankness of the cardstock.

The next birthday in order is for a very sweet 6 year old, Madeline. Maddie’s mom and I met years and years ago in a former life several hours north of Toronto. I miss her and her sisters all the time, but never, ever the snow. 😛

So I made Maddie her card and then made wee little ones as tags for Melissa, Jason and Nichole. The kids will made another one for Melissa since they’re close to her and of course one for my Dad. I think they came out really cute.

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