Browsing the archives for the zuzana’s power balls tag.

Zuzana’s Power Balls (aka Bodyrock Balls)


Today, I’m linking up with Dandelion House, Sippy Cup Chronicles, Happy Go Lucky, Life with Twins & a Drama Queen and Chubby Cheeks Thinks!

Don’t forget about our giveaway with Keeley Behling Studios! Like the Keeley Behling Studios Facebook page and leave a comment there about something in her Etsy shop to enter. It wouldn’t hurt if you liked the So Very Domestic Facebook page too. 😉

I am a little in love ok, I’m a little totally obsessed with Zuzana Bodyrock in general. My friend Gill got me into the site and between the two of them (Gill & the site) I’m in much better shape than I maybe ever have been. These workouts and this site in general are not for the faint of heart – I mean that both literally and figuratively. The workouts are intense and they’re HARD, most importantly there are different workouts up all the time, so your body never gets a chance to get used to what you’re doing. And the videos? They’re so hot they’re borderline porn. I mean that in the best possible way. Go ahead, go watch one. I’ll wait for you here.

Intense, right?

Anyhoo, so along with the videos, there are a lot of fun and healthy recipes on the site and I had to try this one because of this line – Once you let someone taste your balls, you will never be forgotten. I promise.

Each ball comes in somewhere around 100 calories, depending of course on how big you make them and what kind of nuts you use.

Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls

Zuzana’s Power Balls (aka Bodyrock Balls) via Bodyrock

1 cup oats, ground to oat flour
2 cups almond meal
3 teaspoons baking powder
4 tablespoons honey
4 tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup carrot puree
1/2 cup chopped nuts (recipe calls for either almonds or pecans, I used hazelnuts)

Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls
Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls
So first I ground up my oats, and then added the almond meal and baking powder.
Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls
Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls
Next I added the honey and coconut oil. I keep pureed veggies in the freezer to sneak into random food so I had the carrot puree on hand, it doesn’t take long to make it though. Just steam and then smash 1 cup of carrots. Now you can roll out the balls, I think I made 30 smallish ones, Zuzana got 28 when she made them. Then CHOP YOUR NUTS AND ROLL YOUR BALLS IN THEM. Oh, I’m sorry. Was I shouting? Ahem.
Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls
Bake these babies for about 25 minutes at 350F.
Zuzana’s Power Balls, Bodyrock Balls