I love me some Ree Drummond (aka The Pioneer Woman), I love her too much to post recipes from her book on my blog – hoooowever, she has posted some recipes from her book on her blog and I feel comfortable sharing those. Not all of them, so you’ll have to buy her cookbook if you want to make her roasted cauliflower – which you should absolutely do!
This recipe, for a slooooow cooked shredded pork that will make your home smell alarmingly good. I mean that – alarmingly good. Especially if you’re in and out of the kitchen or if you go outside to play in the yard and then you come in – zomg so so good. Kind of like when you cook down stew all day, but times about eleventy billion.
Dr Pepper Shredded Pork via Pioneer Woman
1 whole large onion
1 whole pork shoulder (5 – 7 lbs)
salt & pepper
1 11 oz can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (or whatever chilies you can find in sauce you like)
2 cans Dr. Pepper
2 tablespoons brown sugar
I couldn’t find the chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, but being that I live in Southern California I’m sure it’s just because I only looked in one place and then made the executive decision to just use a can of green chilies in some other kind of sauce because I just wanted to cook this crazy concoction already. Ahem. So, I did.
This an an all day situation, but thankfully it requires very little babysitting. Start by cutting an onion into quarters and break the layers apart a bit. Lay them on the bottom of your pan. Salt and pepper the roast and plunk that on top of the onions. Now empty the can of peppers or chilies onto the roast. Then the Dr Pepper. Then the brown sugar (add this into the liquid and not just on top of the roast).
Now pop it in the oven for somewhere in the neighborhood of six-eight hours. I checked on mine at the 5 hour mark and turned it on it’s side. Then again at 6 hours and turned it again. At 7 hours it started to fall apart perfectly.
You can use this meat for whatever you can think of. I served this on sesame buns with a rice pilaf and green beans. 🙂 A serious hit with all 5.