The short week after a holiday weekend is usually pretty laid back, but I’m hyped for Friday anyway. This week started off really slow, spending Monday with my husband and our littles in our new backyard plotting what we want to plant and what else we want to do with the space. Tuesday my homie Jillian and I packed up our littles and hit the thrift shop. I swear on a stack of Teen Vogues that when we got in her car, this song was playing. Obvy, the universe wanted us to go thrifting. It was an excellent trip! Wee One #2 got 3 dresses and a pair of pink camo pj pants and Wee One #3 found 4 adorable dresses (2 even had sparkles). We also ended up with a hysterical purple piggy bank that I hope we keep forever (read: Dear Wee One #3, please don’t break this epic find), some cute glasses and a crazy noisy car toy they both love. Of course they love it. Why wouldn’t they? I was a little bummed to not find any sweet ironic tshirts for Wee One #1 and though I did find some really silly sleepwear to scare my husband with, in the end closet space for clothes I will actually wear won and I didn’t buy it – though I did get a photie of it! It’s a pink zebra adult sized onesie! There are even little hearts on it! Look!! Now that I see it on the blog, it looks like the girl version of the Batman onesie in the Macklemore / Ryan Lewis video and I regret not buying it, if not for me then for my girl Vanessa. If you’re reading this Nessa, I’m going back for it! <3

Wednesday we ditched our plans to go out in favor of hanging out at the pool and making these ice pops (and a few other recipes we froze and ate in record time thanks to my Fastpop Popsicle Maker). It’s so rad. I just store it in my freezer, so when I want to use it, it’s ready for me. Usually, ice pops are ready in less than 10 minutes with this, but dairy-based ice pops take a bit longer, which is kind of a no brainer if you’ve ever made ice pops before.
This recipe isn’t even a recipe really. It was just 1 cup of milk and 1/3 cup Nutella. Blend till totally combined and pour into your ice pop molds. Or you can even use Dixie cups and just peel the paper off when they’re frozen and ready to serve.
Another variation we had luck with was 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup Cool Whip and 1/3 cup Nutella. Equally amazing.

After we devoured these, we made a bunch of fruity ones! I will post last day of school pictures of all of them next week even though technically today was Wee One #1’s last day. Today was also officially the last dance class for the Tiny Tots team for their month-long summer break and my girls were pretty hyped about it. I mean Wee One #3 was rocking 3 ponytails and one stemmed from a french braid. During class today, she was hilariously distracted and really highlighted her kitten-like attention span. I found myself saying things like ‘you have to listen to Miss Alex, come on point your toes / spin / open your arms’ etc. So I asked her if she wanted to come back to the class and she said she just wanted to watch her sister or go home and be with Daddy. Ok so, this is when I step back and remember that no matter how adorable she is in a tutu, she’s 4 years old and that if she isn’t into it, she isn’t into it and I will not push her to do something just because it’s cute. Truthfully, she’s into dancing around in her outfit and she likes the studio because the music is loud and there is so much more space – she’s just not big on the whole ‘class’ aspect of it. 😉 I think we’ll take a break for six months and see what happens.