This is the 5th recipe my kids have made from Baking With Kids and this created yet another fun Sunday in the kitchen. The recipe calls for ready-rolled puff pastry, but overachiever that I am, of course I had to make it myself. Here is the recipe and walkthrough for the puff pastry I made for them, it's from an ancient cookbook my Granny gave me called The Art of Cooking and Serving, that I will cook and bake my way through one day.
1 tsp mild paprika
3 1/2 oz or 2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese*
*My wee ones are not huge on parm cheese so we used cheddar
Puff pastry, ready to be rolled out.
You can use whatever kind of mustard you like really, we went with a mild mustard because it's what the mini chefs around here like.
Mix the mustard and the paprika together in a bowl.
Using a pastry brush, brush the mixture over the pastry and sprinkle the cheese over it. My wee ones did that, and then decided it needed more of the mixture so the cheese is seriously blended in here! It was at this point that Wee One #2 said she wanted just garlic on some, so a few at the end have no mistard mix or cheese.
Now it sounds tricky, but it's not - cut the pastry into 18 strips about 9 inches long. Take one strip and hold an end in each hand, then twist the straw toward the middle. Then roll it on the counter to pick up dropped cheese!
Chill the straws in the fridge for 15 minutes before baking them for 15 minutes at about 400.
All ovens are different, you're aiming for golden brown and crispy.