Am I really writing about a boxed kid's craft kit? Sorta. I have always been a fan of crafts like these Makit & Bakit
type things. The concept of putting plastic in the oven is so alarming and amazing at the same time, I've loved it since I made my first record bowl about 15 years ago. These little 'Makit & Bakit' crystals were different and I wanted to try them but I couldn't find them outside of a kit and have them shipped to Canada! I found 4 colours at an Etsy shop called Knob Creek Craft Supply but they can't ship them to Canada - unrelated sidenote, this shop has really cute miniature corks for rando crafting projects that do ship to Canada
I'm using the term 'kit' very, very loosely here. It's a kit as in there is a page of printed instructions, an aluminum pie plate and several small packets of different coloured crystals (orange, green, red, blue, pink & purple). This project could be done with pretty much any kind of plastic you feel brave enough to melt in your kitchen and it follows the record bowl principal exactly.
Scatter the plastic crystals in whatever pattern you like in the pie plate. This haphazard swirly design was done by Wee One #2.
The colours are very bright.
Now put it in the oven for about 15 minutes.
Take it out and let it cool on the stove top or counter for a few minutes until it hardens.
Now, the record bowl similarity. Put the plastic disk on the bottom of an upside down oven-proof bowl.
Pop it back in the oven for just long enough for the disk to get melty and flop over the bowl. Watch it through the door. Then take it out and let it cool.