I made these as a little end of school year thank you for the secretary at the kids' school. She, like most elementary school secretaries, has been so helpful and we really owe her this year for all the trouble she's gone to, to help us get settled in the school and help us through living in the country with only one licensed driver! I know, I'm getting on that, I swear. Running a school, even if it's a tiny school, requires a lot of reminders, which generally requires a lot of post its. All I did was get a stack of colourful post its, and made cute little matchbook style packages from coordinating scrapbook paper.
First lay the post it pad on the scrapbook paper you want to use and cut around it. About 1/2" to 1" on either side, enough paper above it to fold over and enough paper under it to fold up like a matchbook bottom. A bone folder would come in handy, but you can use anything similar - I used a knitting needle! I also poked holes with a tapestry needle at this point where I wanted the ribbon to go. Don't forget to poke holes where these ones line up on the top piece!
These make great assembly line gifts, so they'd be good at Christmas. At this point, I also glued the back page down to the scrapbooking paper.
Fold the bottom up and the top down and thread your matching ribbon through. Then tie a cute bow. You can use small bits of ribbon for cute tiny bows like this one.
Or you can use longer pieces of ribbons for bigger bows like these other two. They came together pretty quickly, but they're cute and appreciated!